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Electric Mini Stick Plans

Started by tommuse, September 10, 2010, 10:59:35 AM

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Even though it has taken me about a month longer than I had planned to get the plane posted it is now complete. Just so you know this plane handles wind fairly well and survives even the hardest of crashes without unrepairable damage. I lost my radio on my last flight and flew it straight into the ground at 40 - 50 mph and an hour later it was just about ready to fly again. I would be happy to answer any questions regarding the build of the plane and Matt Gwin is also well verse in its construction and how it flies.

Tom Muse

password: indyrcsouth2010

September 15, 2010
Download Instructions:
The easiest way to dowload the files is to right click on the link, and select "Save Target As". A box will pop up and ask where you want to save it to. When you are ready to open the file, double click on the file and enter the password provided above. Staples will print the plans for you for roughly $3 and all you need to do is get the file to them either on CD, Flash Drive, or they might have an option to email it to them. Please let me know if you experience any problems.